One Advantage Of Having To Change The Liner In Your Vinyl Liner Inground Pool

When customers first start researching an inground pool, they will invariably ask which is better, fiberglass or vinyl liner?  Our response is that it is pretty much what you, as the customer, prefers.  Each type of inground has pros and cons, which we address on our website.

One potential negative about a vinyl liner pool is that you will have to change the liner at some point during the life of the pool.  We find that typically a liner will last about eight years.  While that can be a negative, lets look at the other side of the coin.  In the video below the owner purchased the home and the pool was in pretty rough shape.  While the pool looks rough, by simply changing the liner the pool was well on its way to being an attraction instead of an eye sore!  So having the ability to change the liner in this situation was a huge plus.  In one day the pool went from unusable to looking like an almost new pool.  Watch the video below and see the transformation yourself!

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